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Fat Splitting Plant -Oleo Chemical
Fat Splitting Process:
- The Pretreated, vegetable oil is transferred from storage tanks is directly pumped through flow meter to the heat exchanger and from there the heated acid oil is de-aerated in a specially designed De-aerator.
- The de-aerated oil is pump through the high-pressure plunger pump to the splitting vertical column continuously from the bottom. It enters through a spray ring, which breaks the fat into very fine particle.
- It is heated as it travels towards through the hot sweet water and after passing through the fat-water face, it is finally heated by direct high-pressure steam sparging to a temperature of 250 to 260 degree centigrade. At this temperature, the hydrolysis reaction starts and propagate as fat travels upwards.
The process heated process water for splitting is charged from the top of the column through specially designed spay coils, from where the process water is spayed in droplets and travels downwards for taking part in splitting.
The high-pressure steam is injected at multiple places for achieving high degree of splitting.
The total reaction time is approximately 6 to 7 hours. The converted fatty acid will be collected from the top of the splitting tower and sweet water (Glycerin along-with water) is recovered from the bottom of the splitting tower. The reaction takes place in counter current manner. The separated fatty acid exits at 175-180 degree centigrade and which is flashed in a specially designed flasher and the liquid fatty acid is passed through a specially designed heat exchanger, where the feed oil is heated with the hot product, and finally the crude fatty acid is stored under vacuum and transferred to fatty acid Distiller.
Flow Chart:
H.P Steam
Oil/Fatty Acid Heat Exchanger
Steam Heater
Oil Drier
H.P Pump
Splitting Column
DM Water Tank
Water Degasser
H.P Pump
Crude Splited Fatty Acid
Glycerol water for treatment
Fat Splitting Advantages:
- Single Tower Design.
- Modern Pressure of 50-55 bar G gives high degree of splitting.
- Internal heat exchangers for heat recovery.
- Allows for 4 hours of residence time to complete the splitting.
- Distributors are placed strategically to achieve splitting effectively.
- Oil and Process water mixing system is specially designed through the perfect injection of high-pressure steam, which ensures quick & effective mixing.
- Continuous Splitting of oil, with higher degree of conversion.
- Quality of recovered fatty acid will be better than the feed quality.
- Simple & low maintenance automations.